Blog: Hurricane

The Real Value of Energy-Efficient Window Replacements for Your Texas Home

woman opening curtains
Are you growing concerned about your Texas home’s aging windows? If you’ve noticed your electric bill slowly creeping up every month, you might already be worried about your home’s older style windows. Of course, everyone these days insists that energy-efficient window replacement is the way to go.  But can you trust everything you’ve heard recently about these new modern windows? The experts at Storm Tight Windows of Texas want to help... Read More

Why Custom-Made Windows Are Right for You

Different types of white windows
High energy bills, drafty rooms, and noisy streets are just a few reasons you might be searching for window replacements. While these things cause inconveniences in your life, there is no reason replacing your windows should. Many Houston homeowners are opting for custom-made windows are here are a few reasons why: Enhance Curb Appeal Increased Energy-Efficiency Savings  Straightforward Installation Countless Style Choices Perfectly Accommodate Your Home's Unique Needs When you... Read More

Types of Replacement Windows to Consider for Your Home

Windows are one of the fundamental fixtures in a home. Depending on the style, windows can bring in large quantities of sunlight, provide extra space in a home, or even help save you money on energy bills. When it comes time to replace windows, homeowners are faced with a variety of choices in types and materials. Knowing which types of windows are the best fit for your home and your... Read More

Evacuating During a Hurricane with Your Pets

Often during a hurricane, families prioritize preparing their homes, belongings, and food – but what about their pets? If a hurricane is coming your way and you’re being told to evacuate, there are several ways that you can plan for the total safety of your pet. First, you’ll want to decide where you and your family will stay. Since many hotels and shelters don’t allow pets, your best bet may... Read More

What Windows Are Right for You?

Do you need new windows? There can be so many reasons to be in the market for replacement windows. Perhaps you’ve found yourself with windows that aren’t holding up to the extreme weather here in Texas. Or maybe you get your utility bill each month and your jaw drops to the floor. Windows that aren’t energy-efficient can end up costing you an arm and a leg in the long-run. Or... Read More

Time For New Windows? The Four Signs.

Windows are essential to the ambiance and value of your home. They are important for aesthetic reasons as well as practical reasons. Is it time for new windows? As Houston replacement window experts, the professionals at Storm Tight Windows of Texas understand and appreciate their purpose. We strive to provide the best windows and installation service in the area. While it is a big project to replace all of the windows in... Read More

How to Make a Family Plan in Case of a Hurricane

Family disaster plan checklist
First of all your family members mean the world to you. When an impending hurricane is threatening their safety it is imperative that you have a solid hurricane family plan in place. It is helpful to keep a physical copy of the plan – every step, location, and supply needed. Hence your family members can review it every few months and keep it fresh in their minds. Here are the... Read More

How to Prepare Your Home for a Hurricane

putting wood over windows before hurricane
Your home is one of the most important assets in your life. The last thing you want is for it to be vulnerable in case a hurricane strikes. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize the precautions they could have taken to fortify their home until a storm wreaks its havoc. If you take the following precautionary steps, you may be able to avoid costly damage: Ensure that your home and flood... Read More

How Texans Help Their Community when Disaster Strikes

woman carrying case of water
It is when disaster strikes that we see the best in humanity. People come together to help show solidarity. They also offer their time and resources to help get the affected community and its residents back on track. However when disasters happen there are certain steps you can take to effectively and efficiently help others cope with the impact: Personally Volunteer People who self-deploy to areas affected by a natural... Read More

Hurricane Smart! Planning for Hurricane Season in Texas

hurricane birds eye view
Yet another Hurricane quickly developed over the Gulf this week and Hurricane Michael has brought devastation to many areas of the Florida panhandle. Unfortunately as we all know here in Texas, hurricanes are a real threat to us as well. These storms can blow up rapidly and people are often caught off-guard and unprepared. Instead of scrambling before a storm to get prepared – waiting in long lines, dealing with... Read More

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