Emergency Kits to Use in a Hurricane for Those with Special Needs

first aid kit

A hurricane is a frightening scenario that can be made even more complicated for those who are disabled or medically fragile. If you or a loved one has functional needs and must evacuate in the face of a coming hurricane or other natural disaster, there are certain steps you can take to be as prepared as possible. For instance, you can prepare an emergency kit that includes the following:

  • Medical equipment and assistive devices (hearing aid, oxygen, feeding supplies, a cane, wheelchair, catheters, walker, etc.), each labeled with your name and contact information. Also, be sure to bring extra chargers and batteries
  • A list of model numbers or serial numbers of medical devices and equipment
  • Medical alert tags or bracelets and a written description of your health condition(s)
  • Medications and copies of all prescriptions, including a list of all prescription names, dosages, prescribing doctor, and pharmacy
  • The phone numbers and names of your physicians and other health care providers

Furthermore, if you are evacuating to a shelter, make sure that the facility can meet your care needs (wheelchair ramps, backup power for medical equipment, etc.).

Storm Tight Windows of Texas

At Storm Tight Windows of Texas, we care about our community, which is why we provide windows and doors that can withstand hurricane-force winds with ease and will help protect you and your family in case a natural disaster strikes. Contact us today to learn more or schedule your free in-home consultation. http://www.stormtightwindowstexas.com/blog/blog/smart-hurricane-planning-texas/

11004 Bay Commerce Dr

Houston, TX 77034

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