Time For New Windows? The Four Signs.

Windows are essential to the ambiance and value of your home. They are important for aesthetic reasons as well as practical reasons. Is it time for new windows?

As Houston replacement window experts, the professionals at Storm Tight Windows of Texas understand and appreciate their purpose. We strive to provide the best windows and installation service in the area. While it is a big project to replace all of the windows in your home, it may be necessary. Do you need new windows? Check out these four signs that it’s time for new windows!

The Four Signs

The Outdoors Come Indoors

Whether it’s the rain or an increasing amount of creepy crawlies, the outside is meant to stay outside and not in your home. It is possible that your old windows have rot or sealant issues that is enabling these elements to come indoors. Overtime, this can lead to mold growth, rot, and even structural issues. We offer top-of-the-line vinyl windows that we manufacture with strength, energy efficiency, and security in mind. We fabricate new windows using 100-percent pure virgin vinyl and materials.

Exit Points

Windows provide an additional exit in case of an emergency. They offer additional escape routes should your family need to evacuate. A broken window could be a potentially fatal hazard. Make sure all of your windows open and close properly.  We use tempered glass and steel-reinforced sashes. This ensures they can withstand the most severe weather conditions.  We use safety glass to protect your home from storm debris and hurricane-force winds.

Replacement Windows Houston 77009,77045,77948,77017,77401 and other zip codes.

Protection from Intruders

 On the other hand, you also want them to close and lock properly to keep out potential intruders. A broken window could be easy for someone to open from the outside. Keep your family safe with operational windows. Our commitment to total customer satisfaction has earned us an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. So when you turn to us for replacement windows, you’ll receive nothing less than the best.

Replacement Windows Houston 77009,77045,77948,77017,77401 and other zip codes.

Energy Efficiency 

Your windows may not leak when it rains, but you can still feel a draft sometimes. This could be a sign that it’s time for new windows. The draft could later give way to the elements and it doesn’t insulated your home properly. Our Houston energy efficient windows will fix that problem and will save you money on your utilities bills! Our windows are also ENERGY STAR® certified. Therefore they have efficiency-enhancing features to help minimize heat transference. This can help to lower your monthly energy costs by up to 40% annually.

More Info: http://www.stormtightwindowstexas.com/blog/blog/

Replacement WindowsReplacement Windows Houston 77009,77045,77948,77017,77401 and other zip codes.

Brand new replacement windows


If your windows fall into any of these four criteria, it is time to start looking at replacement windows. Call the experts at Storm Tight Windows of Houston for excellent products and services you can depend on for years. Call today or visit our website to get a free estimate!

11004 Bay Commerce Dr

Houston, TX 77034

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